NBC’s Today has an excellent report covering the Rich Sanchez firing at CNN, including a link to the entire interview. CNN’s coverage is itself short and too the point–“Rick Sanchez is no longer with the company,” according to a statement from CNN. “We thank Rick for his years of service and we wish him well.”
Listening to the interview, one understands that Mr. Sanchez CAN NOT GO OFF SCRIPT. His views are with out a doubt shocking yet sadly not uncommon on today’s airways. What is amazing is the speed in which CNN reacted. Only time will tell if CNN’s decision will haunt them. My question is this: Did CNN stifle free speech or were they trying to contain a loose cannon?

Certainly with that 100%! Motion can make unexpected things happen. Nobody actually learned just to walk if you don’t take the first task.
I realize there is a topic to follow on the news. I am not sure who made the executive decision to fire Rick but I for one think it was a big mistake. The term cotton picking is common term in use today. He publicly appologized for using it in the context he did. All it shows me is that if Mr. Obama had any issues with it, he would be far more forgiving than CNN.
Oh by the way you may want to check the recorded tape on Don Lemon today 10/15/2010 between the hours of 3 PM and 5 PM. I believe in his dialog he used the term grow a pair. I think this is far worse than the term cotton picking. I wonder if they are going to fire Don now… hmmm
Anyway I will go along with Don’s comment and I think the owners of CNN should grow a pair and man up as it were and offer Rick his job back.
Good riddance to Rick!!!!! I’s about time!!!!